The certification marks of BM CERT:
They can only be used by organizations certified by BM CERT.
They should be used in accordance with the guidelines and their relevant additions or amendments.
They can only be used after certification has been granted by BM CERT.
They may not be used in a misleading manner or imply that they apply to anything other than the standard and scope for which they are certified.
They must not be used by the organization at the request of BM CERT, when it considers that their use is not in accordance with the requirements of the regulation.
They are not used by the organization after the temporary revocation, withdrawal or expiration of the certification. In addition, the organization must immediately cease distribution of all media in which the marks appear and remove them from any form of display or promotion.
By using the certification marks, the certified organization agrees and is bound by the above conditions. Failure to comply with the above terms of use of the marks may result in temporary revocation or withdrawal of certification as well as legal sanctions.
When certification is applied to an accredited system, the certification mark may be used in conjunction with the accreditation body's logo or trademark, provided that the accreditation body's rules are also followed.