FSC® and PEFC Chain of Custody Systems

Chain of Custody Certification applies to all businesses that process, manufacture or trade timber, paper or timber products including producers, wholesalers, retailers, mills, printers and paper merchants. BM CERT provides FSC ® Certification services & PEFC in collaboration with BMC Assurance S.L., a certification body, with great recognition in certifications of Chain of Custody systems worldwide.

Certification of wood and wood products Chain of Custody systems provides an independently verified assurance that the wood or paper used as raw material for the certified products comes from responsibly managed forests. The FSC® and PEFC certifications prove that wood as a material is traced at every stage of its processing, from the forest to its final use.

By maintaining a certified Chain of Custody system, businesses can provide assurance that their certified products are sourced and produced in compliance with a globally recognized ecological, social and economic standard. For a product to meet the conditions for certification, all businesses that hold legal ownership of the products and their processing, marketing or repackaging, need to be certified.

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council)

FSC® is an international not-for-profit organization, members include environmental, social organizations and businesses, forest owners, cooperatives and individuals who set the principles and criteria of FSC®. The FSC® logo allows consumers worldwide to recognize products that support the development of responsible forest management.

Certification Body License Number BMC Assurance S.L.: A000546

For more information visit the FSC® website 

PEFC (Program for the Endorsment of Forest Certifcation)

PEFC is a global organization for the assessment and joint recognition of national forest land certification developed through a multi-stakeholder process. These national programs are based on intergovernmental processes to promote sustainable forest management.

PEFC works through the forestry Chain of Custody to promote good practice and ensure that certified products are produced in compliance with high ecological, social and national standards.

Certification Body License Number BMC Assurance S.L.: PEFC/14-44-00027.

For more information visit the PEFC website 

The advantages of FSC ® Certifications & PEFC

Being independently certified in your Chain of Custody system to FSC® and PEFC standards through certification body BMC Assurance S.L., demonstrates to your customers your commitment to responsible Chain of Custody management.

Specifically, the Chain of Custody certification will provide:

• added value to your certified products.
• access to new markets
• documentation of traceability 
• possibility of using the FSC® and PEFC logo 
• assurance to your customers that they are contributing to environmental protection and economic stability.

For more information on the certification of forest products as defined by BMC Assurance S.L. www.bmcassurance.com.