FSSC Code of Ethics Commitment
This Policy is issued by the Top Management, which is committed to the following principles:
. Supporting and respecting the protection of internationally recognized human rights, and
. Ensuring that we are not complicit in human rights violations.
. Ensuring the freedom of association and recognizing the right to collective bargaining,
. We are not engaging in, supporting, or tolerating employment by force or compulsion,
. Ensuring the effective elimination of child labor,
. Treating all workers with respect and dignity and without any discrimination, and
. Providing a safe working environment to protect the health and safety of all workers.
. Supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges,
. Undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and
. Encouraging the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies.
. Working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery,
. Operating independently and impartially in accordance with local and international laws, and
. Maintaining impartiality and avoiding conflicts of interest.
. Respecting standards of business ethics, competition, and integrity and
. Ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of information of workers and business relations.