In February 2020, the new RSPO standards were published, which were updated following a significant review of the standard requirements to improve the RSPO supply chain certification process and associated procedures. The updated standards reinforce the principles of traceability and confidence in the compliance of RSPO raw materials with the same supply chain.

- A company receiving RSPO certified palm oil products should verify every month that the products are indeed certified to the RSPO standard (by checking the validity of the supplier's certificate or the agent/distributor's licence via the RSPO website) or using the RSPO platform (Palm Trace) by viewing the corresponding accounting transactions.

- Participants involved in primary supplies (i.e. buying directly from mills) are required to publish and regularly update, every six months, the list of mills (certified and non-certified). The list must include relevant information on the printing processes, such as name, GPS coordinates, parent company, country and mill identification number according to the International Mill List (UML ID).

- The RSPO certificate is valid for five years and provides the required permission for a company to trade its products through the RSPO IT platform (PalmTrace) provided that a successful audit is completed each year. The certificate is only valid if the licence is active on the RSPO IT (PalmTrace) platform.

- The entry of accounting movements in the RSPO IT (PalmTrace) platform by the supply chain actors mentioned in point 5.7.1 should be recorded within 3 months.

The RSPO SCC Standards 2020 and RSPO SCC Systems 2020 are effective immediately (1/2/2020) with a transition period of twelve months. All audits from February 1, 2021 onwards will be conducted in accordance with these standards.

Obtain the new standards:

RSPO Supply Chain Standard 2020

RSPO Supply Chain Certification System Documents
