BM CERT makes every possible effort to keep the complainant informed about the progress of the evaluation of the complaint and provides the complainant with format notification of the completion of the investigation. The final communication will include a summary of the investigation, the conclusion and any actions taken as a result.
If you have any complaint about the services or activities of BM CERT, please visit the
After receiving the complaint, you will be sent a letter within 2 weeks to the person / organization, confirming its receipt. The Quality Manager then conducts an investigation into the complaint and informs the complainant of the outcome of the complaint.
Under normal circumstances, BM CERT investigates the complaint and determines recommended actions in response to the investigation within six months from its receipt
Complaint concerning a Qualified Customer
When a complaint about BM CERT's services involves a certified management system customer, the complaint is also forwarded to this interested party (client). The complaint is being investigated and the interested partied will be invited to respond to BM CERT. Through the audit team, during the next scheduled audit, BM CERT checks the corrective actions it has taken to resolve the complaint, as well as the effectiveness of the certified management system regarding the complaint that had been submitted. If deemed necessary, BM CERT may in some cases conduct announced audit to investigate the complaint.
Complaint concerning an Employee of BM CERT
Complaints involving a BM CERT employee are in accordance with the above. The complaint is also communicated to the interested party (employee). The complaint is being investigated and the interested parties will be invited to respond to BM CERT. Through the audit team, during the next scheduled audit, BM CERT checks the corrective actions it has taken to resolve the complaint, as well as the effectiveness of the certified management system regarding the complaint that had been submitted. If deemed necessary, BM CERT may in some cases proceed with an announced audit to investigate the complaint.
Due to the different nature of the services and activities performed by BM CERT employees, it may not be possible to resolve the complaint immediately, however where possible, BM CERT provides the complainant with progress reports during the investigation period.